sábado, 20 de enero de 2007

otra ;)

Bueno jaja, esta segunda entrada es porque en la primera olvidé responder las primeras preguntas del blog...

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

I think this activity starts with this quote because a very important aspect of human beings is the strong need of communication we were born with, in fact we cannot live without it. A blog is made to express our feeling or thoughts about something, which people can read and leave messages if they want to, in this subject we are using blogs to talk about calculus, what we like, what we don't understand, etc, therefore the teacher can know how we are doing with the topics and stuff. Anyway, coming back to the phrase, it is quite true what it says, because if we don't express or talk about those things that make life important, its like if we just stop living them. Besides, learning and teaching is what makes life worthy, that's why I liked the quote =)

I will be using this blog every time I learn something new in math class, even if I learn something new about anything I might write it here, since I already have a blog I'll use it whenever I feel like it =), well surely I'll write every week or more, and I will also leave comments to my classmates. This blog might be very useful =)

no puedo poner foto :( luego intentaré de nuevo

Eso es todo jaja hasta la próxima ;)

2 comentarios:

Gloria Higuera dijo...

Ay Topacio!
Contrólate con tus frases profundas JAJA ntc están cool

te quiero mensa

yaa no te vueles...bye

lluliana dijo...

Hola chiquilla, ayer fui a tu casa haha por cierto tu novio explica bien ;O! me voy a la escuela, bae !

tqm =*