miércoles, 18 de abril de 2007

examen feo :(

Bueno, estamos ya en examenes del 3er parcial, de hecho ya vamos de salida... hoy hice el de mate y me fue muuuy feo, nada mas espero q no sea TAN feo.. =[ pero pues como sea, en el final voy a hecharle ganas para reponerme =) la verdad es que este a sido un parcial muy pesado! lo unico bueno fue semana santa, pero antes estuvimos con lo de "murder" que nos tuvo un muy buen rato en vueltas y problemillas técnicos, que nunca faltan (casualmente nunca me faltan), pero fue algo divertido, hasta eso jaja... bueno, lueego ya examenes, que trabajos parciales a morir, que tareas en exceso, y que un tal mago! en fin, todavia no me repongo de las desveladas constantes, que también son motivo de mi rendimiento, ya pues, de maate... espero mejorar porque no domino los temas, apenas y tengo una idea de como son jaja, asi que ya me voy a poner las pilas =)

hasta la proxima :**

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2007

bloggie =]

Hi bloggers =) I am still working with my team on the murder we wrote project! the new subject of the class is a little bit difficult, I should study since now.. jeje

well... I will write again when I have something else to say or when we finish our project =)

bye bye

miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2007


Hi bloggers =) It has been a long time since the last update!
Today I am going to talk about the last few weeks, first, CENEVAL, it was awful! I think the easiest part was spanish and maths, but everything was very confusing, specially the part of international overview or whatever... I hope to have a good grade, because it will affect in every subject! After the exam, it was a great weekend! long =D! Someone once said that there is always a rainbow hiding behind a storm, and it was the case! hehe
About our project of Murder We Wrote... we are running out of time! it is very close and we have to start NOW! we already have the idea of the movie =) well.. I don't have much to say, so...
bye bye =)

domingo, 4 de marzo de 2007

gant graph ;)

This is our project's schedule, I hope we can actually follow it step by step, because time is running... the day after tomorrow is the partial exam!

I hope have a good grade!

lunes, 26 de febrero de 2007

  1. What is the Newton’s Law of Cooling?

It says that the temperature of a body changes with a rate relative to the temperature of its surroundings or environment.

  1. What variables in your problem correspond with the variables in the Newton’s Law of Cooling?

The body was found à T= 9:10 PM º = 96 degrees

T= 9:16 PM º = 95 degrees

T= 0 º = 101 degrees (but was possible illed)

Library’s temperature à T= 8:00 PM º = 75 degrees

T= 9:00 PM º= 70 degrees

  1. According to this Law, at what time approximately the death happened?
  2. How does the room temperature affect the time of death?

As we know, the Newton’s law of cooling compares the temperature of the body with the one of the room or environment, so it depends on the different temperatures of the room at different times to determine the time of death.

  1. How does an illness (e.g. fever) affect the time of death?

It affects because the temperature of the body before being killed is unknown, and it would be uncertain to give a “possible temperature” because having the equations done, the time will be different by seconds or minutes, which will affect the results.

  1. How exact is the approximation of the Newton’s Law of Cooling for predicting the time of death?
It depends on the environment in which the body is, and the health of the body as well, if the environment’s temperature is constantly changing, it is harder to get an exact result and if the body has fever is the same (question 4&5), but the answer would be aprroximated indeed.

martes, 20 de febrero de 2007

Murder We Wrote 2nd =)


4. What methods are commonly used to find the time of death?

*The rate method: it measures the changes on the body comparing it with one known initial or final rate, for example the changes of temperature of the body.
*The concurrence method: it compares something that happened in the crime with something known that happened to the victim before the crime, for example the last known meal.
*By the living animals in the body (larvas/bugs), it is usually used when the body has been outside (not on a closed place) for a reasonable time.
*Algor Mortis
* cooling law of newton: is about what we are learning on class, the temperature of the body is compared with the environmental temperature.

5. What factors are considered in Algor Mortis?
1. The "size" of the body.
2. Clothing and coverings.
3. Movement and humidity of the air.
4. Immersion in water.
*temperature and external factors.

6. How does the environment affect the time of death?
by the larvae living on the corpse, if the body is exposed to a open environment, there is more chance for the body to grow larvae and that's how forensic scientists according to the size of the larvae can tell how many time has been there, another things is the clothes of the body because it changes the temperature, also the water or humidity, for example, if it rains it is difficult to tell the time of death of the body.

7. What can you tell about the different methods of temperature reading of the body? Do they make a difference in the results?
Of course they make a difference, and all of them are very useful because if there are suspects, it is possible to know who was the murderer or at least tell if they are telling the truth, mostly by the method of the cooling law of newton, besides it also helps to know if what the witnesses say is true, if some witness is lying about when they saw the body or the murderer too.
All methods are useful to solve crimes

sábado, 10 de febrero de 2007

topss =)

me quedó 90 =) nose que decir de la semana en mate, nomas que fue: estudiar, examen, incertidumbre, descanso... ya me voy rápido porque sino la pag se enoja conmigo y no me deja subir jaja luego le agrego algo y lo pongo bonito =)

el prox parcial le voy a hechar más ganas =D
bye :**